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Saturday, 31st December 2011 

Un olio d'oliva del Capo chiamato Rosanna

Sulla strada che da Città del Capo porta a Paarl, la N1, al chilometro 39 si incontra un cartello che indica l'uscita che porta a un piccolo zoo. Se si segue l'indicazione e si prosegue per un paio di chilometri dopo il Tygerberg Zoo si arriva all'ingresso di un'azienda agricola che si chiama Rosanna. E' un'azienda che produce soltanto olive e quindi olio d'oliva. Il proprietario è un industriale con la passione per l'olio d'oliva e per i prodotti genuini. L'olio d'oliva Rosanna viene esclusivamente da olive coltivate nell'azienda delle varietà Kalamata, Mission, Manzanilla, Leccino e Frantoio. I frutti sono pressati a freddo e l'olio extra vergine che se ne ricava è senza additivi o preservativi di alcun genere. Il livello di acidità è certificato allo 0,8 per cento. Le olive sono anche offerte al naturale o con l'aggiunta di aglio ed erbe aromatiche, peperoncino piccante o alla maniera mediterranea. In fondo all'articolo tutte le informazioni necessarie per visitare l'azienda e acquistare olive o olio.

An olive oil of the Cape called Rosanna

Rosanna Olive Estate is a charming olive farmstead, nestled in the beautiful wine lands of the Western Cape, South Africa, just next to Tygerberg Zoo. The estate produces superior quality table olives and extra virgin olive oil in a variety of styles.

Our products are 100% natural and we are proudly South African. The oil is cold-pressed and blended from a variety of cultivars grown on the estate. The orchard is populated with some 6000 olive trees of the Kalamata, Mission, Manzanilla, Leccino and Frantoio cultivars.

Table olives are a delicious, healthy appetizer, perfect in salads, on pizza or as a yummy Italian antipasti for your dinner or buffet. Olive oil enhances flavours when cooking, and is often used on salads and pastas, added to soups and stews and for dipping breads.

Olives hold many health benefits, since they are rich in anti-oxidants, polyphenols and vitamins A, D, K & E. There is evidence that regular consumption of olive oil is beneficial against cancer, reduces ones risk of coronary heart disease, and stimulates bone growth through improved calcium absorption. Fats and oils are an essential part of a balanced diet. Olive oil is easily digested and quickly and completely absorbed by the system. In addition, trace components like chlorophyll assist absorption, and the aroma and taste stimulate our appetite - an important aid for the digestive process. A diet that includes olive oil aids the circulatory system, thereby reducing the risk of arteriosclerosis and other circulatory ailments. The unsaturated fats present in olive oil are not only cholesterol-free, but also have been shown to reduce cholesterol levels and protect against "bad" LDL cholesterol.

Rosanna olive oil is cold pressed extra-virgin and does not contain any additives, preservatives or inferior-grade oils. Extra-virgin olive oil comes from virgin oil production, contains no more than 0.8% acidity, and is judged to have a superior taste. Extra virgin olive oil accounts for less than 10% of oil in many producing countries; the percentage is far higher in the Mediterranean countries (Greece: 80%, Italy: 45%, Spain 30%). Given these figures, the consumer should be wary of inferior quality olive oils masquerading as extra virgin.

Rosanna table olives are freshly pickled in the all-natural, Kalamata-style. The olives are available in a variety of flavours, such as: Plain, Garlic & Herb, Chilli and Mediterranean style
Contact details: Tel: 021 987 85 39/ 021 988 55 36/ 076 744 8182
Fax: 086 649 8063
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  • Hoasis
  • Nimpex
  • Rialto Foods
  • T and T
  • Douglas and Co.
  • Grandi



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