Il Carnevale di Città del Capo torna il 16 marzo con migliaia di maschere sulla Fanwalk di Green Point
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- Created on Thursday, 17 January 2013 11:19
Si avvicina il giorno della fantasmagorica sfilata di carri e maschere lungo la Fanwalk - il "Cammino dei tifosi" - di Green Point. L'evento è infatti in calendario per sabato 16 marzo e gli organizzatori hanno già fatto sapere che gruppi di partecipanti si stanno preparando a Città del Capo e in tutta la provincia e che saranno tanti i carri allegorici e migliaia le maschere che sfileranno dal Cape Quarter alla grande rotonda dello stadio.
Un'occasione per celebrare la gioia di vivere attraverso la propria cultura, l'arte e la danza - dicono gli organizzatori - per offrire "una rappresentazione reale delle diversità che compongono nella sua unicità la comunità di questa città".
I gruppi partecipanti che hanno già comunicato la loro adesione includono la Youth Brigade di Kraaifontein, gli Street Steppers di Delft, la Faldela Dance Academy di Retreat, gli Hope Dancers di Gugulethu, la Bulumko High School di Khayelitsha e l'Hip Fusion Belly Dancing Studio di Ottery. La Bridgetown Theatre Company è cresciuta da umili origini al punto da poter mettere in pista 120 partecipanti. E il Vadhini Indian Arts Dance Group non vede l'ora di dare un saggio della cultura indiana. Nell'insieme uno spettacolo da non perdere e facilmente godibile lungo il chilometro abbondante dal punto di partenza a quello di arrivo della sfilata.
Bringing the Cape Town community together
The 4th annual Cape Town Carnival promises to bring another incredible journey of the imagination to Cape Town on 16 March 2013 along the Fanwalk in Green Point. It’s a celebration of the Mother City and her beautiful people, the colours and the landscape, the richness of the languages and fantastic fusion of cultures.The Carnival is a result of months of hard work and commitment from organisers, production teams, costume designers, float builders, choreographers, volunteers and most importantly, the community.
“Celebrating life through different forms of art”, is how Angie Petersen, Community Facilitator of the Cape Town Carnival defines the gathering of participants for this annual Celebration in Cape Town. “There is something magical and life changing about the richness of the diverse group of people that get together to express themselves through dance, music and creativity.”
Angie expands: “The most exciting thing about the Carnival is being able to witness the fabulous people from all the different communities getting involved and coming from nothing to experience the euphoria of this production.” She continues: “I remember a 79 year old lady telling me that on the night before the 2011 Carnival, she felt like the night before her wedding day.”Communities from across Cape Town are participating in this exciting event. From The URC Youth Brigade of Kraaifontein to the Street Steppers of Delft. Faldela’s Dance Academy from Retreat and the HOPE Dancers from Gugulethu to Bulumko High School in Khayelitsha and the Hip Fusion Belly to the Dancing Studio form Ottery will be represented. And of course, The Bridgetown Theatre Company, who took the initiative to build on their acts and have grown from a humble group of twenty performers to over 120 dedicated members since their initial participation.
A bubbly Maya from the Vadhini Indian Arts dance group says: “Cape Town Carnival has been a wonderful opportunity for us, as an Indian dance school, to showcase traditional Indian dance. It is a time to share and teach those who have no idea what our culture has to offer. Vadhini strives to educate those who are willing to learn, therefore ceasing the opportunity to share while adding to the diversity of Cape Town.”
Cape Town’s historical legacy is such that it is a melting pot of communities from different parts of the world, including Europe, Madagascar, India, North Africa and West Africa, as well as communities from the Eastern and Northern Cape Provinces, to name a few. This wealth of diverse communities is expressed in different ways, but there are very few events where you can rub shoulders with the whole Cape community whilst having fun and feeling safe.
That’s what it’s about, the excitement of a brilliant opportunity to celebrate life through cultures, art, design and dance. A true representation of the diversity of the unique community of this city